Lenten reflection preached at the Anglican Centre in Rome.
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Forty days and forty nights You were fasting in the wild; Forty days and forty nights Tempted, and yet undefiled . It is now Lent and yet this is also an exciting time in this Eternal City of ours, the weather is changing, days are getting longer and warmer, the pouring rain will soon make way to a glorious spring, the flowers will bloom in the parks and over our monuments of old, visitors and residents alike will gather around our piazze to enjoy the gift of life and maybe have a spritz, only on a Sunday though, as it's Lent! The queen of seasons is at hand and so is Easter. In this special Jubilee year, so much is going on around us, including fine art exhibits. I believe art plays a vital role in our journey of faith, God has always revealed himself through beauty in the history of humankind. Here in Rome, we are surrounded by exquisite art, some of it is in the extraordinary gallery right below our feet. Among ...